Thursday, October 21, 2010

Advanced Traceability - to meet the argument

7.3 to meet the arguments

Discussed in Section 7.2 to achieve the basic traceability, for many organizations is an important development step. Indeed, the change in organizational culture, using even this simple method, which itself may be a big step. However, there is always more we can do.
In the example shown in Figure 7.1, three system requirements to some extent to fully meet customer needs. However, by non-experts to test this assertion is difficult, because there is no reason given.

Better approach is for each user needs to provide a "meet the argument." As shown in Figure 7.1 for the basic traceability, the only information provided to meet the needs of the three systems act as a role in the argument, but not exactly what direction what is the argument.

Rich traceability is a way to capture the argument to meet. This method is the user needs and system requirements corresponding to another description, shown in Figure 7.3.

Not only to meet the argument described in text mode, but also the use of logic operators describe the way the combined system requirements:

鈼?and (&) operator to meet the argument that the user needs requires the establishment of all system requirements;
鈼?or (or) operator to meet the argument that the user needs requires the establishment of an arbitrary system requirements.

Figure 7.4 shows an example or to provide heating cycle, or gas ring, or two laps, all meet. Note that the argument of the two-logic structure.

Now offers more and more are to meet the needs of information users, if not the domain experts can assess important aspects of the argument. Text help to assess the accuracy and integrity of the logical argument. Operator to make the argument structure more accurately.

Please pay special attention, for Figure 7.2, a collection of system requirements that alternative solutions is very clear, and for Figure 7.4, the expression of this fact is very specific. If you can not provide electric circle, the circle continues to meet the demand through the gas.

On the first taste of the rich traceability through the "West Coast Railway Modernization" project, Praxis Critical System company needs a team proposes a management process and the use of the "design evaluation" of the data model. The same concept can also be found in a variety of similar methods, which meet the arguments have different terminologies, such as "needs more detail", "the basic principles of traceability," "strategy" and so on.

In addition to lower demand, the argument may also depend on to meet a lot of content. Figure 7.5 shows a use of "domain knowledge" to support the argument of the case. Domain knowledge about the real world, a fact or hypothesis does not itself bound solution. In this case, domain knowledge description is to satisfy the basic part of the argument, said box with ramp.

Capture this assumption is important because the real world as well as on assumptions made by the real world are changing. Once captured this assumption, you can use to export analysis to understand the changing assumptions on the system ability to meet their needs.

One such example is the New York subway. 70 years a series of accidents occurred due to incorrectly assume that the train's braking distance. Although initially been confirmed, but after a few years later become heavier trains, braking distance increases, the old assumptions no longer valid. Although the initial operation of the signal system is correct, but no evolution, changed assumptions imply a specific time from the start, signaling system no longer meet the demand.

Through effective traceability can provide records and the ability to track the role of this assumption.

Non-demand information to meet the arguments of another example of work from modeling. Meet the arguments often through complex modeling
Activities of export, the complete details are too detailed, can not capture rich traceability.

Figure 7.6 shows an example from a railway project, which satisfy the argument depends on the use of a tool called VISION timetable for modeling complex activities. Derived through this modeling tool subsystem a set of assumptions and requirements, according to the formation of rich traceability structure of the document. The reference model box with rounded corners, said.

In this example, the need to reconsider the analysis of the modeling activities will obviously impact.
Rich traceability of course, can also be used for multi-demand or object. Figure 7.7 shows three levels and between levels of traceability.


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Monday, October 18, 2010

Session of the value of the share in the JSP and

Specific to the Web in the Session refers to a user browsing a website, from the access site to close the browser after a period of time, that is, users browse the site by the time it takes. From the above definition, therefore, we can see, Session is actually a particular concept of time.

The value of Session between in JSP and what is the situation?

The beginning of this topic in the sequence of ideas is Session in order to save the binary data to the database, and then reads the database from the JSP deserialize binary data into Session object, and then be converted into Java's Session object, in the JAVA side conversion When an error, searched online data also failed to resolve, it uses an alternative approach.

Replace the idea of the way:

Login ASPX file, the login will succeed Session of the variable values saved to the database in a table, keyword use the Session object SessionID, and then create a ASPX file, check

Get the current logged-on user's SessionID, and use the redirection statement, go to the JSP file, the URL path requested format test.jsp? Aspnetsessionid = ffj12d455p0ujr45vdqwhh45, if not logged in or login is not successful, although there SessionID value, but the database is no data associated with the SessionID

Some readers may find that not test.jsp? Aspnetsessionid = ffj12d455p0ujr45vdqwhh45 the path of such requests can be completed, yes, you can use test.jsp? Userid = 1111 so the parties

Also pass a value type, of course, login userid is successful, the value obtained, but that some users can know the USERID (user ID) of this sensitive data.

The establishment of a table

鈼?table name:


鈼?field name:

鈼?id varchar (26) - store the SessionID

鈼?userid int (4) - store the user ID after a successful login

鈼?power int (4) - store the user's permission number

Session of the value in program source code fragment:

/ * After successful login, you can verify the following CODEING on the login ASPX page * / / / Record Session value to the database private void WriteSession2DB (string sessionID, string sUID, string sPWR) (/ / connect to the database code, readers add their own string sessID = sessionID; string strSQL = "insert into iis_session (id, userid, power) values (@ seionID, @ UID, @ PWR)"; / / webmod.sqlConn is the database connection object, and the reader into their own replacement The database connection SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand (strSQL, webmod.sqlConn); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add ("@ seionID", SqlDbType.VarChar). Value = sessID; sqlCmd.Parameters.Add ("@ UID", SqlDbType . Int). Value = Convert.ToInt32 (sUID.Trim ()); sqlCmd.Parameters.Add ("@ PWR", SqlDbType.Int). Value = Convert.ToInt32 (sPWR.Trim ()); sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); / / close the database connection, the reader Add) / * When the user exits the system, the corresponding database row data SessionID to delete, may be placed out of the page, or the Global.asax of Session_END process * / / / Remove Database Session value private void RemoveSession4DB () (/ / connect to the database code, the reader Add string sessID = Session.SessionID; string strSQL = "delete from iis_session where id = '" + sessID +"'"; / / webmod.sqlConn is the database connection object, readers replace their own database connection SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand (strSQL, webmod.sqlConn); sqlCmd.ExecuteNonQuery (); / / close the database connection, the reader Add) / * a redirect to the JSP the ASPX page, in the ASPX page PAGE_LOAD Add the following code * / private void Page_Load (object sender, System.EventArgs e) (string strSessionID = Session.SessionID.Trim (); String strRoot = " http://localhost/test.jsp?aspnetsessionid = "+ strSessionID; Response.Redirect (strRoot, true);)

Session of the value in the JSP source code fragment: Session Value UserID = "+ sUID +" H1>

"); Out.print (" Session Value Power = "+ sPower +" H1>

");) Rs.close (); db.dbConnClose ();%>

To this Session of the value of the share in the JSP and end on the first, although not a very good method, but can also be used, also to protect the user's sensitive data.

I will continue to consider the use of serialization and deserialization of the way to achieve shared between different Web languages Session object rather than the above, the value of sharing Session


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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Zhou Kaixuan: No sex woman in Hong Kong

TOM and EBAY's the deal finally happened, no way to guess in the end who played at the negotiating table a decisive role, but this time, the major site finally Zhou Kaixuan photos.

A few years ago, as a reporter, I interviewed Zhou Kaixuan, so interviewed, told reporters it was full of attraction: the legendary story, but has not been fully written off, the image is very good but the exposure rate is very low ... ... that interview I guess she is talking about the most personal one, although I write a little bit like to visit.

A few years later, I was Deng Yuqiang call, made a 3G portal (mobile landing, be returned to the Internet industry, this area has numerous eyebrows hero and heroine, but I've seen people Zhou Kaixuan is still the most glorious one.

Turned to find himself wrote the article, it seems that it can become a footnote of this great event.

Zhou Kaixuan Who?

Zhou Kaixuan is a masculine name, the owner is a graceful woman; Zhou Kaixuan the suffix, the most common is filled with awe, "Miss" or "the boss"; Zhou Kaixuan prefix, in the Hong Kong media is often the "Li Ka-shing's confidante, trusted assistant", in China the media often "TOM Group, who control behind the scenes," but no matter in which any media, any occasion, Zhou Kaixuan are always professional suits, fan-shaped鑰抽グ;鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬫槸澶浜虹洰鐫瑰叾浜嬶紝韬彈鍏跺奖鍝嶏紝鍗存湁鎰忛矞闂诲叾鍚嶇殑濂充汉锛氶泹瀹瑰崕璐电殑绌跨潃锛屼翰鍒囧緱浣撶殑涓炬锛岀編涓芥垚鐔熺殑闈㈠瓟锛屽綋鐒讹紝杩樻湁浼椾汉浠版厱鐨勮韩浠解? 鈥旀潕鍢夎瘹鍩洪噾浼氱殑钁d簨銆佷腑鍗庡叧鎬?泦鍥㈢殑鎷ユ湁鑰呫?棣欐腐鍒涗笟鏉夸笂鏈?ぇ鐨勫叕鍙糕?鈥擳OM.COM(8001.HK)鐨勭浜屽ぇ鑲′笢锛屼互鍙婂彟澶栨暟鐩笉璇︾殑鍏徃鎴栬祫浜ф墍鏈夎?銆?br />
銆?敤涓?欢澶т簨浣滃紑澶?br />
銆??鍦ㄥ寳浜暱瀹夎涓婏紝鍦板涓浗鏈?粍閲戝湴娈电殑涓滄柟鍚涙偊澶ч厭搴楋紝鏈凡绾﹀ソ鐨勯噰璁垮嵆灏嗗紑濮嬨?鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬭交鏉惧湴瑙e幓娌欏肪锛屽缓璁鑰呬滑閲囪濂归個璇锋潵璁叉紨鐨勮?绉戝瀹讹紝鈥滀粬鑾峰緱璇鸿礉灏旂墿鐞嗗濂栵紝80宀侀珮榫勶紝闈炲父椋庤叮鐨勩?鈥濋棬鍙o紝鏄疶OM浜掕仈缃戜簨涓氶儴鍓?瑁併?韬墜鐭仴鐨勫痉绫嶅コ淇濋晼绛変竴骞蹭汉锛屼粬浠笓蹇冪瓑鍊欙紝鍑濈灞忔皵銆?br />

銆??鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬩篃纭槸杩欓噷鐨勪富浜恒?1993骞达紝灏辨槸杩欎綅濂冲瓙锛屽氨鏄繖浣嶆鏃犲湴浜ф搷浣滅粡楠岀殑濂冲瓙锛屾彁鍑轰簡鍏ㄩ潰寮?彂鏂颁笢鏂瑰箍鍦鸿鍒掞紝骞剁敤鍗婂勾鏃堕棿锛岃縼璧颁簡闀垮畨琛椾笂20浣欎釜鍥藉閮ㄧ骇鍗曚綅銆?0浣欎釜甯傜骇鍗曚綅銆?00浣欎釜鍖虹骇鍗曚綅銆?800浣欐埛灞呮皯;鍙堝浼犺涓?牱锛屽湪鏌愪釜鏃╂櫒锛岀敤15鍒嗛挓鏃堕棿锛岃鏈嶆潕鍢夎瘹鍏堢敓涓烘椤圭洰鎶曚笅20浜跨編閲戯紝杞诲彇4浜挎腐甯佺殑閰姵銆?br />

銆??閭e嚑骞达紝澶勪簬鏈?晱鎰熷湴娈电殑涓滄柟骞垮満锛屼綔涓哄崕浜洪瀵屾潕鍢夎瘹鎶曡祫鐨勪簹娲叉渶澶х殑寤虹瓚缇ら」鐩紝鍘嗙粡闄堝笇鍚屻?鐜嬪疂妫椽姹″彈璐挎锛岄暱姹熷疄涓氳繍浣滃寳浜珮灞傜獊鐮村缓绛戦珮搴﹂檺鍒讹紝楹﹀綋鍔崇帇搴滀簳搴楁惉杩侊紝寮?彂涓挒瑙佸彜杩圭瓑涓?郴鍒楅娴紝宸ョ▼杩囩▼璧蜂紡鍙樺够锛屼簨鍐呬簨澶栫殑鐚滄祴锛屽浗鍐呭浗闄呯殑瑷?缁靛欢涓嶇粷锛屾病鏈変汉鐪熸鐭ラ亾鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬪埌搴曟槸濡備綍鍛ㄦ棆鍏朵腑锛屼竴涓?憜骞崇殑銆?br />

銆??杩欎欢鈥滆桨鍔ㄧ殑澶т簨鈥濇垚涓哄懆鍑棆鍙﹀涓?鐢熸椿鐨勫紑濮嬶紝姝ゅ悗锛屽ス鐨勭敓娲讳腑鏈?富瑕佺殑鍏冪礌灏遍兘鎴愪簡鈥滃ぇ浜嬧?銆?br />
銆??棣欐腐IT鎶曡祫鐑疆锛孴OM鍒涗笅鐨勬姇璧勭璇濅腑锛屽懆鍑棆鏄竴鐩存槸鏉庡槈璇氬厛鐢熸渶閲嶈鐨勫弬璋嬩紮浼达紝浠ヨ嚧浜庨娓?澹瑰懆鍒娿?鏇惧ぇ鍋氬ご鏉★細瀵岃豹鐭ュ繁鍔涙枟澶瓙銆俆OM鐨勮法濯掍綋鏀惰喘鎴樿溅锛屼竴璺粠涓撲笟缃戠珯鍒版埛澶栧箍鍛婏紝浠庢姤绾搞?鏉傚織鍒扮數瑙嗭紝鐩村埌浠婂ぉ灏氭湭瑙佺◢鏈夊仠姝㈢殑鏀惰喘姝ヤ紣涓紝鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬪伓闇茶韩褰憋紝閮芥槸鍦ㄦ渶閲嶈鐨勫喅绛栧叧澶淬?琚懆鍑棆閫変腑锛屽弬涓庢棭鏈烼鍗砊OM闆嗗洟浜掕仈缃戜簨涓氶儴)宸ヤ綔鐨勫ū涔愭槑鏄熸湵鏃惰寕鑷充粖杩樿寰?骞村墠鐨勨?鍛ㄨ?鏉库?锛氭?璺竻鏅帮紝鑱槑杩囦汉銆?br />


銆??鍦ㄥ箍宸炪?闈掑矝銆佹槅鏄庛?閮戝窞绛夌瓑鍩庡競澶ц涓婄瓑杞︾殑骞磋交浜猴紝涓嶄竴瀹氱煡閬撹韩杈圭殑璺墝骞垮憡鏄懆鍑棆鏀惰喘鍒癟OM闆嗗洟鐨?163.net鐢靛瓙淇$姣忓ぉ鏀跺彂鐫?暟浠ョ櫨涓囪鐨別-mail锛岀敤鎴蜂笉涓?畾鐭ラ亾杩欏鍏徃鏄懆鍑棆濮旀淳鐜嬪厽鏀惰喘鐨?缇婂煄鎶ヤ笟銆佷笁鑱斾功搴椼?鍗庡ū鐢佃銆侀浄闇嗘棤鏋佹父鎴忊?鈥﹁繖浜涘疄浣撴瘡澶╂瘡澶滈兘鍦ㄧ浉褰撶▼搴︿笂娴佽浆鐫?懆鍑棆鐨勯挶锛岃?濂规渶杩戝枩娆㈡姇璧勭殑鍒欐槸鍙よ懀銆傚氨杩炴渶鍒侀捇鐨勮鑰呴兘闂笉鍑哄ス鍒板簳鎶曡祫浜嗗灏戝鍏徃锛屸?鎴戜篃缁忓父浼氭嬁鎴戜俊寰楄繃鐨勪汉鐨勫悕涔夊幓鍋氫簺鍏朵粬鐨勪簨銆傗?鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬭銆備粎浠呭ス鍦═OM闆嗗洟鑲′唤鐨勫競鍊硷紝灏辨浘缁忚秴杩囦笂鐧句嚎娓厓銆?br />
銆??娌℃湁鎬у埆鐨勯娓コ浜?br />



銆??鐒惰?锛屾?鍒壒寰佸湪鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬬殑鐢熷懡鍘嗙▼涓殑鐗规畩鍚箟鏄皝涔熸棤娉曟姽鎺夌殑銆傚綋濂圭┛鐫?潫鑵板琛e拰钃濊壊鐭涓婂鐨勬椂鍊欙紝璺汉鐪嬪埌鐨勬槸棣欐腐鎷旇悆濂充功闄㈢殑灏忓鐢?褰撳ス鍦ㄦ境澶у埄浜氭柊鍗楀▉灏斿+澶у鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍚屽浠湅鍒扮殑鏄眴钄诲勾鍗庣殑濂崇暀瀛︾敓;褰撳ス鍦ㄤ笂涓栫邯90骞翠唬锛屼竴鍛ㄤ竴娆★紝寰?繑浜庡寳浜?棣欐腐鐨勬椂鍊欙紝鍖椾含鐨勭敓鎰忎汉鐪嬪埌鐨勬槸棣欐腐鏉ョ殑濂虫墦宸ヤ粩銆?br />
銆??鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬪埌鐜板湪杩樺湪蹇垮靠涓嶅钩锛屸?閭f椂鍊欐垜涔熸槸涓鸿懀鍏堢敓杩欐牱鐨勫ぇ鍏徃鍋氫簨鎯呭晩锛屼絾浠栦滑灏辨槸瑙夊緱閭f椂鍊欐潵鍖椾含鐨勯娓汉锛屾槸鍦ㄩ娓贩涓嶄笅鍘绘墠鏉ュぇ闄嗙殑鈥樼煯浠斺?鈥斺?浣犵煡閬撳悧?棣欐腐楠備汉鐨勮瘽锛氱煯浠斺?鈥斾粬浠氨鏄寰楁垜浣庝汉涓?瓑!鈥?br />

銆??鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬬壒鍒笉鍠滄鎺ュ彈棣欐腐鏃跺皻浼犲獟鐨勮闂紝鍥犱负鈥滈娓鑰呯幇鍦ㄨ秺鏉ヨ秺鍙叧蹇冩垜绌夸粈涔堢墝瀛愮殑琛f湇浜嗏?銆傛瘡涓?釜鍦哄悎濂归兘鐢ㄨ亴涓氬瑁呮贰鍖栫潃鑷繁鐨勫コ鎬ц韩浠斤紝姣忎竴鍙ヨ█璁洪兘娌℃湁濂虫?鐨勫己璋冿紝鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬫槸鍦ㄨ鑷繁瑷?皥涓炬鐨勬瘡涓?釜淇″彿鍛婅瘔鍒汉锛氬繕璁拌嚜宸辩殑鎬у埆銆?br />




銆??鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬪姝ゅ苟涓嶈瑷?紝鑷澶氬勾浠ユ潵锛岃嚧鍔涗簬钁e缓鍗庡拰鏉庡槈璇氫箣闂达紝浣嗘槸鈥滄垜涓嶆槸浠栦滑鐨勯檮灞炵墿锛岃?鏄竴涓畬鍏ㄧ嫭绔嬬殑涓綋鈥濓紝鍛ㄥ嚡鏃嬬殑鍏崇郴鍝插鏄?涓嶆妸鍏崇郴鍋氭垚鍖呰⒈鈥濓紝杩欐牱鐨勫叧绯绘墠鑳借嚜鐒躲?寮哄.銆?br />

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Saturday, September 25, 2010

Good efficacy is the Man Manao out

A drug in the furnace burning, after fire emergency to the text Huoao. If it is heat of pumping until they pay back, fear of good medicine it is difficult to full effect. ERP implementation of the project like a Aoyao the process - the system on the line, does not mean the project's success, it means the Long March only the first step. To get a good implementation of the results, so business investment in the real return on information obtained maximize the return on a protracted war is inevitable.

First, companies need to conduct basic data for continuous improvement. ERP on-line at the beginning, the data allowed the situation is inevitable: the operation of staff from the strange to the need for a skilled process, in the process due to operator error will inevitably produce large amounts of garbage data; enterprise business processes to adapt the original the process of the new system will cause the system to produce useless or duplicate data; In addition, the system test in the work of some of the parameters of the actual business and corporate settings will produce a certain degree of deviation, business in the last line before the data and inadequate preparation are the result of inaccurate data reasons. ERP project to the enterprise is one of the biggest advantages of data accuracy and timeliness. If you do not pay attention after the data on-line proofing and improvement, ERP implementation of the project results will undoubtedly be affected.

Second, companies need new systems and in the ERP business processes running on the original efforts. ERP system, business process management is the real core of real skill. After on-line ERP, enterprises can start with the system in manual mode in parallel to ensure the smooth functioning of business processes, and then gradually put aside the manual way, fully integrated into the information flow. Also worth noting is, ERP system is not simply to speed up the existing business processes, it tends to change the structure of the original business process. For instance, ERP can make a lot of stylized work (such as: automatic orders) All automatic, so employees can directly participate in procurement, changes in the original work, also will move the original functions. These are the ERP on-line adaptation after the needs of enterprise and innovation of patient, not quick.

Third, companies need to keep an eye ERP software updates and upgrades. Technology advances, changing market conditions, development times, these decisions of the ERP software itself, the need for optimization and upgrading, otherwise it can not represent the most advanced management thinking may even become an obstacle to business development reaction. Good ERP software vendors usually have a strong follow-up software R & D capabilities, focusing on software updates and new versions of R & D to enable the software to maintain the most advanced state. Yue Ling of Taiwan business software, for example, the introduction of "winners Edition", "Professional Edition" and other versions, the recently launched more powerful and more suitable for practical operation of the "Smart.e23 Enterprise Edition", and will be in July In the middle of Shanghai, Kunshan and Suzhou, a large-scale product exhibitions. For businesses, it should be for a long time, and actively concerned about the information in a timely manner for their own version of ERP software upgrade or update, use the advantages of information technology will play to the maximum.

The need to work on the line after companies in the ERP long-term effort, it said, ERP project implementation is a slow process effective in Aoyao, ERP effectiveness of information technology needs of enterprises of persistence and perseverance to ensure that.

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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

"Cottage" toxic

What is the cottage?

This has been a difficult thing was clear. A thousand lips seem to have a thousand "cottage" and even some cottage and suffer for criticizing the "tile" of the people, they might even suffer brick Why no understand: You say the cottage is a fake, people said that this represents grass-roots culture, and you say cottage is a copy, they said this is an imitation of innovation. More complex.

But the complexity of things, it may look simple, no matter how he has been extended, the most simple "view" is in the Google search about the cottage, cottage to see what are the existence of specific forms. I tried it, Lian Fan a few pages of search results, find the "form in" listed as follows: cottage mobile phones, notebook cottage, cottage Spring Festival Evening, cottage version of the Sony VAIO, cottage LCD TV ... ...

There is a common law, is the current "cottage" will own the field with a "mainstream" corresponds to: cottage phone - genuine brand mobile phones; cottage Sony VAIO - genuine Sony VAIO; cottage Spring Festival Gala - CCTV Spring Festival Evening ... ... that "cottage" dependency "mainstream" and there was not excessive.

Interestingly, in a cottage website topic, the most eye-catching main article, illustrates this very question: "After work I went into a Chinese supermarket, an array of goods: baby Ha, rabbits, pulse robbery ... ... Ha, there are ugly Liquid food too! the home for the elderly want to buy bottles of melatonin, a closer look, turned white whole brain, but fortunately did not tell the whole brain white, bad things were scolded filial generations the. night Paoshang first bucket of instant noodles Kang Shuai Fu , Hong eating melon seeds Mercedes rule, I can open the cat color TV, 'Jay' is doing the ad: 'Ben happiness Avenue, to the 脳 脳 technical schools'! "

Most of the "cottage" are ultimately behind the simulation of the "mainstream", so if people say that the cottage is a grass-roots, is "decentralized," then on the contrary, that the mainstream of "matching" and "imitation" just not going to center, but to strengthen the center, the objective is changed a "green leaf" approach even behind the center; precisely reflect the marginalized groups to the center, to "mainstream" close to the strong demand.

I do not think China is more confident because of the cottage, but that is in the low-cost imitation of the mainstream even more confident.

Cottage is not a grass-roots - the roots let their roots grow into the best it wants to, He Bijiang seeking big tree. The real roots of contrary Guo Degang type of innovation, he said piece is not like season also like Jiang Kun. Roots is the best roots themselves, need not be "cottage"; best decentralized, that is, made their own center!

It can be said, the cottage culture and seriously confused with the grass-roots culture of innovation and not necessarily related simulation! Or businesses can not simulate innovation, just copy, in the present context where character cottage is still losing!

Although the "cottage" to an inferior position in the market, businesses have opened up a "countryside surrounding cities" of roads, a huge commercial value, but also to admit that cottage is toxic. Toxic things, the use of appropriate drugs can do, like Stephen Chow movie, opened up with gas Renduermai; but toxic, after all, toxicity, a slight slip is also dangerous.

For example, a violation of commercial law, promote the brand cottage culture way, it tends to brand imitation, it is tantamount to place himself in the shadow of trees leading brands, are businessmen taboo. China's business environment, had no shortage of commercial copy, we often see, instead of protecting intellectual property rights, but the name of anti-monopoly signs, resistance to patent or trademark protection.

"Cottage" of toxicity, including giving people more of an excuse to stand on "culture" a high degree of expansion of the gray areas of intellectual property.

If the cottage of the word of mouth is the early "earth wolf machine" by improving quality, while maintaining low cost, out of step by step to do. Then to various other cottage industry "spread" when, in addition to entertainment, the "new cottage," they face, and if they can not effectively reduce the toxicity of the cottage, then the "cottage" of the downtown is very fragile.

When, Google's "cottage" search results that can truly break away from the field with their "mainstream" of the matching and imitation, the cottage be considered as people admire the "true grass-roots" and "true innovation" again!


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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Sneak Peek! VideoStudio 10 Plus the first to experience

First, the new splash screen Splash

First to install VideoStudio 10 Plus, the installation program for the 117MB, after you install the program for the 145MB, which includes Flash Player, Indeo, QuickTime 7 3 of the necessary supporting software. In VideoStudio 9, no increase in the Flash Player, but was later released on a patch for Flash support to enhance the VideoStudio 9 on Flash support. In VideoStudio 10 directly joined the Flash Player, I believe will support Flash, more perfect.

In this version, no help files and material files, and 9.0 is too small compared to that in the official version will definitely bring new changes.

VideoStudio 10 Plus the installation process is very simple, and compared to the previous version did not change much, but the former beauty handheld DV interface replaced by dolphins leaping out from the screen interface shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1: The new splash screen

1, a new startup interface - 2, guidance and editing interface - 3, support for hard drive-based DV capture - 4, video editor new anti-vibration filter - 5, are free to add more than one overlay track adjustment - 6 Add Subtitles animation - 7, to increase support for 5.1 sound system - 8, supports more video formats - 9, customizable interface settings and other new features -

Second, improved guidance and editing interface

Since there is no need for the installation process where special attention, we will not go into details. Direct boot software, start the wizard includes VideoStudio Editor (video editor main program), Movie Wizard (CD Quick Generate Wizard) and DV-to-DVD (DV converted to DVD Collection Wizard), shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Tool Wizard

Click the "VideoStudio Editor", enter the video editing program, take a look at the video editing VideoStudio 10 gives us what new features, shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3: VideoStudio 10 main interface

Can see the program's interface has undergone great changes, changes the layout of the monitor window in the center, it moved to the left of the interface, then focus on the material in the right window, and parameter setting panel, is still below the track panel, this seems to be more in line with our habits.

Third, support for hard drive-based DV capture

Click "Capture" button, open the capture window, shown in Figure 4. Capture part of the design or simple and intuitive as before, including Capture Video, DV Quick Scan, Import from DVD / DVD-VR and Import from Mobile Device four options, the biggest change is the addition of Mobile Device capture support, which shows that sound will affect 10 hard drive-based DV capture will support.

Figure 4: Support for DV capture hard drive

Click the "Import from Mobile Device" button, open the capture window, you can see on the left lists can support Mobile Device Type, click "Setting" button, you can set the default import and export path, shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5: Set the default import and export path


Fourth, the new video filter anti-vibration

Click "Edit" button to enter the video editing section, drag a video material to the Video track, shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6: Drag the video file to video track

Click the "Clolor Correction" button, enter the adjustment of hue, brightness and other parameters of the window, as shown in Figure 7, shows that adjusting the way a lot of changes.

Figure 7: Color Correction

Click the "Attribute" button to enter the Video Filter window, add the Anti-Shake anti-vibration filter, shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8: Anti-Shake filter anti-vibration

Drag the Anti-Shake anti-vibration filter to the video track of video, and then click Customize Filter Custom filter parameters, filter settings pop-up window shown in Figure 9. Here we can set the parameters of the lens to prevent vibration, to correct some defects produced film.

Figure 9: Custom filter parameters

5, a number of customizable overlay tracks

We then drag a video material to video overlay track in shown in Figure 10.

Figure 10: Drag a video material to video overlay track in

Click the track window above the Overlay Track Manager (overlay track manager), the pop-up window can add five new video overlay track, as shown in Figure 11, this is definitely a major update, we do not have to former can not increase the number of video overlay track and worry about.

Figure 11: Add 5 new video overlay track

Check the Overlay Track # 2 - # 6 option, then click "OK" button, you can add five new overlay track of. We were dragging the 3 video to overlay tracks in Figure 12. The red overlay for the additional track.

Figure 12: add a new overlay tracks to the editing interface

Click to select a certain track in the video overlay, and then Preferences window, click "Mask & Chroma Key" button to enter the overlay track to pull the color window, select the suction tool, then select the background color to pull , you can overlay tracks to become transparent, and as shown in Figure 13.

Figure 13: Mask & Chroma Key key out

6, Add more titles animation

Let us look at the change in title, click the "Title" button to enter the subtitle editing window, as shown in Figure 14, we can find the settings to change the subtitle is not small.

Figure 14: Subtitle Editor

Click the "Animation" button, enter the title animation editor window shown in Figure 15. Title animation is not small change, and provides more templates, we can create more text animation effects.

Figure 15: title animation

7, increasing support for 5.1 sound system

Let's look to the new audio editing changes. Click the "Audio" button to enter the audio editing window, shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16: audio editing window

Click the "Audio View" button to enter the audio view, the interface is pretty intuitive, can provide 5.1 support, as shown in Figure 17. For beginners, it is easy to use to use.

Figure 17: Audio view control, support for 5.1 sound system

There are four options in the window on the left, corresponding to the video track, overlay tracks, sound tracks and background music tracks in the audio, click the different options, they can set the audio parameters.

Click the window below the "Enable / Disable 5.1 Surround" button, you can change whether to allow the use of 5.1 audio. As shown in Figure 18, allows the use of 5.1 sound system for the after effects. 5.1 sound system with six independent channels, can promote the four surround speakers, 1 front speaker and a subwoofer. VideoStudio 10 provides 5.1 audio support can be said to be a major improvement, we can use it to create effect is more realistic sound and picture digital audio and video products.

Figure 18: On / Off 5.1 Surround Sound

8, support more video output formats

Let's look at what aspects of the video output improvement. Click the "Share" button, enter the output window, you can see the addition of a "Export to Mobild Device" option, as shown in Figure 19.

Figure 19: Export to mobile devices

Click the "Creat Video File" button, as shown in Figure 20, you can see to support more video formats (such as HD, iPod, Mobile Phone, etc.), we can make suitable removable media or the use of high-quality media video files, the specific use of each format is no longer described in detail, I believe you will find the option which suits you.

Figure 20: Support more output video formats

9, customizable interface parameter

In the parameter setting, it also provides more support, you can adjust the software's interface, the implementation of "File / Preferences" menu option, open the Preferences window, as shown in Figure 21. We can according to their need to adjust the software's interface to meet the personal habits.

Figure 21: Interface parameter

10, otherwise update

In addition, VideoStudio 10 has the following major areas of innovation, such as the world's first to support HD, BD video; new proxy mode for editing HD; integration of MPEG-4, DivX support; automatically improve the audio quality and so on.

Although this is an internal test version, but have brought us many surprises, and I believe the official version released in time more people will be surprised to find, let us look forward to it!

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